
See you again on 5 October 2025.


The IRT Läufermeeting is held every year at the beginning of October on the grounds of the Trier Region Industrial Park (IRT). The 10 km main race is a series race in the Bitburger 0.0% Runners' Cup.

The following disciplines are offered on super-flat, super-fast, best-time-suitable and officially DLV-measured courses on the grounds of the IRT:

  • 10 km Bitburger 0,0% main run – series run in the Bitburger 0,0% Runners' Cup

  • 5 km RheinLand-Versicherungen Trier – Everyman's race with IRT-Firmencup company ranking
  • 5 km Walking / Nordic Walking
  • 1 km children's and youth run
  • 250m SWT-Bambini run


  • Registration and payment via our partner Chiplauf

  • Registration deadline 04.10.2024 23:59

  • Late registration possible on the day of the event until one hour before the start of the respective discipline at the latest for an additional fee (bambini and children's run without surcharge).

  • Venue: Industriepark der Region Trier (IRT), Europa-Allee 1, 54343 Föhren, Germany

  • 🏁Start/Finish: IRT, Europa-Allee 6, 54343 Föhren, Germany

  • Changing and shower facilities are available at the Föhren primary school (Im Brühl 3, 54343 Föhren - approx. 3km from the event venue). Toilets in the start/finish area.

  • Net time measurement for all races (except bambini race) by single-use start number with integrated transponder (no chip necessary).




Age group


Registration fee


250m SWT-Bambini run

AGs 2020 and younger

ca. 250m



1km Children's and youth run

AGs 2014-2019 (U8-U12)


2,50 €* / 3,00 €**/ 3,50 €***


Walking / Nordic Walking


DLV genehmiger Lauf Walken/Wandern 5km

6,00 €* / 7,00 €** / 8,00 €***


5 km RheinLand Versicherungen Trier - everyman's race

with IRT-Firmencup company ranking and club ranking

from AG 2015 (U12)


6,00 €* / 7,00 €** / 8,00 €***


10 km IRT park main run

from AG 2010 (U16)


10,00 €* / 12,50 €** / 15,00 €***


Late entry fee children's and yout run




Late entry fee


5,00 €

* for registration until • ** for registration until • *** for registration until 3.10.2025

The 1km, 5km and 10km courses are officially measured by the DLV and are eligible for the best list.

Awards 🥇

  • SWT-Bambini run: non-cash prizes for all participants

  • 1km - Children's and youth run: Value prizes for the three first-place finishers in each age group and non-cash prizes for all participants

  • 5km - RheinLand Versicherungen Trier - Everyman's race:

    • Awards for places 1 to 3

    • AG - classification U12, U14, U16: value prizes for the three first-placed runners

    • from AG U18 according to DLO. Value prize for the first-placed runner in age group

  • 5 km IRT-Firmencup company ranking and challenge cup:

    • Prizes for each three first-placed teams.
      A team consists of 3 runners each. Teams of women only, men only and mixed teams (min. 1 female runner in the team) will be judged. *

  • 5 km Walking: raffle for all present finishers

  • 10 km IRT Park main run:

    • Awards for places 1 to 3

    • AG - classification from U16 according to DLO. Value prizes for places 1 to 3

    • Course record: €250.00 cash prize each


* Please make sure that all team members enter the same company/team name when registering so that they can be correctly assigned to a team.

Film and phot shoots 📷

Photographs and/or film recordings (including sound) will be made of this event. This is done in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 Sentence 1 lit. f) DSGVO due to the legitimate interest of LG Meulenwald Föhren in reporting on the sporting event. Furthermore, this is done in accordance with the principles of § 23 KUG (no need for explicit consent) This includes both participants and spectators of the event.

We respect if you do not wish to be photographed or filmed. According to Art. 21 DSGVO, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and thus also to the taking of photographs and films. In this case, please contact the photographer or cameraman directly.

You can find the complete information in our privacy policy for events (only in German)


The organiser is liable within the scope of his concluded insurance at the IRT runners' meeting of the LG Meulenwald Föhren e.V.

The event is insured by the LVR with the ARAG - Sportversicherung.

Other Information

The event will take place in the Trier Region Industrial Park on public paths and roads. Participants cannot claim compensation from the authorities responsible for road maintenance for damage caused by the condition of the roads and paths to be used during the event.

Participation does not release participants from the obligation to observe the regulations of the Road Traffic Act. Non-compliance will result in exclusion from the event. All traffic regulations must be strictly observed. The instructions of any police officers deployed must be followed.

Participants in the event are not entitled to any special rights. The running course will be separated from traffic by pylons if it crosses roads with traffic. However, the running routes will not be kept clear. Excursion traffic is to be expected on the routes.

Award ceremony • Results • Certificates

  • The award ceremonies will take place outside at or in the IRT administration building, Europa-Allee 1

    • SWT-Bambini run: immediately after the race

    • Children`s an youth run: approx. 14:50 hrs

    • Raffle for  walkers / nordic walkres: approx. 17:00 hrs

    • 5 km-Rheinlandversicherungen Trier Everyman's run: approx. 16:05 hrs

    • 10 km IRT park main run: approx. 18:00 hrs

  • Results and certificates will be published on the evening of the event by our partner Chiplauf on their website and can be downloaded by the participants themselves from there.

The IRT-Läufermeeting is supported by

Rheinland-Versicherungen. Markus Stolz
Rheinland-Versicherungen. Markus Stolz
IRT - Industriepark Region Trier
IRT - Industriepark Region Trier