Below are the most important questions and answers about the running course. If you have any further questions, simply send an email to or send a WhatsApp message to +49 151 209 797 51
Yes, the course is free of charge. The LG Meulenwald Föhren would like to promote running and walking and inspire people to run.
We want to offer as many people as possible the opportunity to learn to run and do something for their health.
The weekly task consists of the independent repetition of the running unit of the respective course week. You can do the weekly task on your own.
Or you can meet up with other course participants.
Nein. Die im Kurs angewendete Trainingsmethode orientiert sich zwar an der Herzfrequenz, den Puls kann man aber mit ein bisschen Übung auch von Hand messen. Die Anschaffung eines Fitness-Armbands oder einer Pulsuhr kannst Du ins Auge fassen, wenn Du bereits eine Zeit lang regelmäßig läufst.
By the way: many smartwatches also have a heart rate monitor function.
First of all, a quote:
„Regular physical activity has a positive effect on health and is recommended by the German Olympic Sports Confederation and all medical
associations. However, sport is no guarantee of a risk-free state of health. Familial and lifestyle-related risk factors are partly independent of
the level of training and should be known in advance.“
As LG Meulenwald Föhren, it is important to us that course participants not only have a lot of fun and enjoy running, but that they stay healthy and that running is good for them. That's why we ask you to take the PAPS test.
And we also ask you to confirm that you have answered the PAPS test questionnaire (Personal Activity and Prevention Screening) and taken note of the results when you register for the course.
DThe test questions are analysed with safety in mind.
If you have answered yes to questions about cardiovascular diseases, consult your family doctor. If you are unsure about anything else, talk to your GP and go through the questions together.
To categorise the discussion: The course is not a competitive sport and does not include any competitive sport units.